Together With Your Support, We Can:

  • Ensure every child in foster care has a dedicated champion advocating their best interests

  • Help children spend less time on foster care

  • Ensure children receive the services they need while in foster care

  • Make sure family court judges have the information they need to make decisions about a child’s future

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We invite you to consider the following opportunities, or contact us to create a partnership specific to your company, your mission, and interests.


Provides screening, background checks, training and ongoing support for 25-30 new Advocates who will champion the best interests of more than 50 children living in foster care.


Provides resources and specialist care to five families with infants and toddlers, ensuring the most vulnerable young children receive essential services through the Safe Babies Court Team.


Provides essential items for over 75 children as they enter care, including new clothes, toiletries, diapers/wipes, formula, pajamas and other essentials through the Open Door Store.


Provides a full year of CASA advocacy services to 5 families with children in the child welfare system.


Supports our Back to School Drive with new backpacks and school supplies, and our Holiday Wish Drive, with Holiday gifts so that no child ever feels left out.